Long workday and hitting the gym

måndag, januari 09, 2012

Han an long workday today, was out to one of the companies office with my colleague.
Really stressful day and lunch ended up at Mcdonald, not my favorit. We were in an hurry
and not like I go there everyday. So spent our 15 min lunch there.

Quite fun to se how they are trying to make it so healthy.
Choose carrots and wow everything good. I did not choose the carrots, if im going in am going all way in. And yeah Mcflurry after. Thats dedication. Got an really bad brain/lung/heart freeze after throwing it in on about 5 min, hehe. I wasent exactly warm before either, installing a computer in freeze storage.

Found one thing in Mcdonalds:

Icons instead of text, is just that you shouldent understand? They make no sence.

Was back to office on regular time and feelt so tired.
Did not feel for going to the gym, so tired. But somehow i winded up there anyway.
Im probably going more often to the gym after work that direktly home, hehe

The training went really good. That was nice.

Put some energy to making dinner tonight again.
Se if i can keep it upp. hehe Even an smoothie after =)

Pasta with shrimps etc.

Running tomorrow, looking forward to it. Legs are feeling great.

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